Saturday, March 15, 2008

Papelbon really is an idiot

I documented in a earlier post some idiotic comments comments from Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon, and he came out with some dumb ones today. It appears he's been taking notes from Schilling on how to make stupid comments to the press. The difference is, I think Schilling has at least some manner of intelligence, whereas Papelbon lacks a functioning brain. From today's Post:
It's one thing for owners to have a little back-and-forth like John Henry and Hank Steinbrenner did recently in regard to Red Sox Nation vs. Yankees Universe. It's another for a young player to take a shot at an owner.

That's what Jonathan Papelbon, 27, did in criticizing Steinbrenner.

"I don't know if he's trying to stir things up or not," the Bosox closer said. "I sure as hell don't care, because he sure as hell hasn't stepped on a baseball field. He needs to just stick to pencil-pushing, I guess."

Hammerin' Hank fired back yesterday.

"Being insulted by Papelbon is like being attacked by a mouse," Steinbrenner told The Post.

"John Henry and I traded a couple of jabs good-naturedly," he added. "So now, all of a sudden, this player, this 20-something kid who really doesn't know his way in the world, comes out with a personal insult. There's no excuse for that."

Hey Jon, become smart enough to have a valid opinion, and some people might actually care what you think. For now, just go back to giving up game-winning taters to A-Rod.

And a quick note to Elliot Johnson, who claimed he had no choice but to bowl over Francisco Cervelli in a game a few days ago: you are an idiot. Watch the second clip here to see the play, and check out this quote from Cervelli:
Cervelli, who suffered a fractured wrist and is out 10 weeks, said yesterday that he was surprised to have been hit in such a manner.

"I gave him the back of the plate, he had room," Cervelli said. The young catcher added he has learned a valuable lesson and will expect anything next time.

Not only did you break the wrist of a young catcher, but you also probably would have been safe if you slid instead of running him over. But, yeah, you sure showed the manager what kind of player you are: both stupid and bad.

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